Summer Programs Almost Full! Help Needed for Less Fortunate Families to Join In

FSA_logo[1]I cannot believe just how excited our Parish Family and the community around Saint John has been about our new efforts. From the full page story in the Naples Daily News, to the speed in which our Vacation Bible School is filling up (if you have not reserved your spot yet, please do so immediately, as we may not have space in our mountain rescue crews for much longer), to the incredible response to Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead, a new summer camp and after-school activity program focused on science, technology, arts, and the humanities. In fact, the response has been so great that many of the classes are full and the staff of STEAM have a waiting list of some local children that they would love to add if they had enough financial support to do so.   If you are interested in sponsoring a child for a summer camp so they can experience this positive, team-focused program, please contact Ryan at: [email protected] or visit their website at: and choose the Grants and Donations link.

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