Music at St. John: Enhancing the Liturgy, Growing the Community

children's choirMusic is a cornerstone of both our Catholic church as well as our community.  We recently lost our Musician and Liturgist to a wonderful opportunity for his family and we have been waiting through Easter before taking the next step in hiring a new employee for that role.  That time is now.  We have some specific criteria we will be evaluating our potential musicians for, especially given our future direction as a Parish Family.  Not only will they need to continue the strong liturgical engagement that has been the hallmark of our musical program, we need a Musician that is ready to enliven the arts throughout the entire campus.  They must be energetic and enthusiastic when it comes to dealing with both the adults and the youth of our community.  They must be ready to create a persistent arts program within St. John, ranging from lessons and rehearsals that will provide additional musicians for our Masses and foster the artistic vision that Father John has so aptly described.  The arts were stewarded by the Catholic Church and some of the most beautiful music, literature, sculptures and paintings were accomplished due to the church’s focus on art.

Over the next few weekends, you will notice some different faces (or backs of their heads, since they will be playing the organ and piano while singing) within our church and around campus.  These talented individuals will be playing and singing at each Mass during the next few weekends so we can understand their capabilities and they can get to know our unique culture and focus.  Please help us choose the most effective Musician and Liturgist for our Parish Family by understanding that they are auditioning for that position.  They may be nervous; they may be excited.  They will try their best to provide us with their heart and soul of liturgical music. Please feel free to welcome them to our community and showcase the love and respect we all have for their talents and their drive. If you have any feedback on them, please do not hesitate to contact me as I am very interested in your take on these options.

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