More Opportunity for Mass at Saint John: Life Center Masses Begin December 1 and 2

With our Seasonal Parish Family Members returning, and our numbers swelling beyond the ability to seat all who attend our Masses within the Ballroom, our Pastor Father Tom and our Liturgy Committee have come up with a temporary solution while we await our beloved church’s renewal.  We will provide additional opportunities for everyone to be fed spiritually with more Mass times and locations on our campus that will enhance our faith experience by using our new Pulte Family Life Center (PFLC).

Starting with the First Weekend of Advent, December 1 and 2, we will expand the amount of times we celebrate Mass at Saint John so that everyone can park safely and find a seat in one of our locations, either the Parish Activity Center Ballroom, where Masses are currently held, or the Pulte Family Life Center Gym.  Our new weekend schedule will be:


  • 3:00 PM – Pulte Family Life Center
  • 3:15 PM – Ballroom
  • 5:00 PM – Ballroom


  • 7:00 AM – Ballroom
  • 9:00 AM – Pulte Family Life Center
  • 9:15 AM – Ballroom
  • 11:00 AM – Pulte Family Life Center
  • 11:15 AM – Ballroom
  • 1:15 PM – Ballroom
  • 5:00 PM – Ballroom

The inclusion of the PFLC Gym location with our brand new, comfortable blue chairs with arms may even be more comfortable than the Ballroom for some of our Parish Family Members.  There will be 500 seats available in that location, so, along with the 600 seats in the Ballroom, we will be able to seat nearly the same amount of participants as we were able to in the church.

Some of the interesting logistics that come along with increasing the opportunities for Mass include the need for additional participation in all of our Liturgical Ministries, the dedicated individuals that serve our community.  There are several areas of need we would like every member of our Parish Family to prayerfully consider assisting with:

  • Altar Servers: Support our Clergy during the Mass on the Altar with the process of the Mass.
  • Arts and Liturgical: Assist with ensuring our Mass spaces look and feel faith-enlivening and engaging, including setting up the physical environment, flowers, and other Liturgical Settings
  • Eucharistic Ministry: Provide the Body of Christ to the Parish Family during Mass
  • Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God to our Parish Family.
  • Sacristans: Set up the Mass environment and ensure the process of the Mass occurs smoothly.
  • Ushers and Greeters: Welcome our Parish Family and friends to Mass and assist with the collection.

Contact information for all the leaders of these Ministries can be found on our Ministry Page.  If you feel called to assist us in this time of need with your time and talent, we have these wonderful ways to serve our community.  I can tell you that there is no greater feeling than actively participating in our Catholic Faith, and these Ministries are a clear way to become close to the presence of God.

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