Saint Patrick’s Day Mass and Coffee Brings Out the Irish in All of Us, Saint Joseph Mass and Altar Celebrates Italian Culture

Saint Patrick’s Day: March 17
Join us for the Luck of the Irish during our 11:15 AM Mass in the Ballroom on Sunday, March 17. The main celebrant for this joyous celebration honoring the patron saint of the Emerald Isle will be our former Pastor, Fr. Thomas Glackin, that wonderful Irish American priest who hails from the Bronx. The Second Collection for the entire weekend will support our Saint Vincent DePaul Society. The Society is responsible for our “poor box”, the direct support for the individuals and families in desperate need right here in North Naples. Please give generously. Then, join us in the 5 Saints Café in the Life Center for some “Spirit of the Irish”, our annual Irish Coffee. Enjoy pastries and coffee (regular or Irish) and the fellowship of our Parish Family.

Saint Joseph Feast: March 19
Saint Joseph is one of the most beloved saints among Italian-Americans. As the patron of workers and the protector of the family, he is honored with a feast on March 19. According to legend, there was a famine in Sicily many centuries ago. The villagers prayed to St. Joseph, foster-father of the Infant Savior, and asked his intercession before the throne of God. Their prayers were answered. With the ending of the dreadful famine, a special feast of thanksgiving was held in commemoration of the Saint. This celebration became tradition. Wealthy families prepared huge buffets. They then invited the less fortunate people of the village, especially the homeless and sick.
We will celebrate Saint Joseph during our 9 AM Daily Mass on Tuesday, March 19, as well as with a special St. Joseph Table. A parish St. Joseph’s Table is a three-tiered display representing the Holy Trinity. A statue of St. Joseph is placed on the top tier. The tables are filled with food, flowers, candles and pasta. Giving food to the needy is an important part of the tradition. Please join us for this celebration, followed by Italian treats in the 5 Saints Café.