Guide to My Own Church

Using My Own Church at Saint John

Please check out Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church’s new system for updating family information and providing you with records of your giving history, and registering and viewing enrollment for Religious education. Using My Own Church is easy, but here are some steps to follow and things look for—just in case!

Steps for Setting Up Your My Own Church Account:
  1. Go to the Saint John website and choose the “About Us” Menu and select the “My Own Church” Option
  2. When you get to the sign in screen, click the “New User?” link (see image below). You’ll be prompted to request an account.
  3. After an administrator at Saint John approves your account, you’ll receive an email with a link to login to My Own Church.
What You Can Do in My Own Church
  • Update Family and Member Information and Set Publish Preferences
  • View Pictorial Directory
  • View Giving History
  • Update Ministry Preferences and Availability
  • View Ministry Schedule
  • Register for Classes

Note: You’ll always be able to access My Own Church via our website in the About Us Menu, but you may want to bookmark the sign in page for your own convenience.

Update Family and Member Information and Set Publish Preferences

Under the My Family tab, you’ll find information about your family and each family member. Please make sure that contact information (address, emails, phone numbers, etc. are up-to-date). You can add a family member if needed.

Don’t forget to upload a family photo as well as individual member photos—these will be an added benefit for the Saint John pictorial directory!

Set your Publish preferences using the checkboxes provided to specify what general family information you wish to make visible to other Saint John families using the online pictorial directory. Publish options are available for:

  • Address
  • Primary Phone
  • Primary Email
  • Family Photo

Remember that only church families with login credentials will have access to your family information in the My Own Church pictorial directory, and individual member information is not published. My Own Church does not publish your information to the general public.

Note: Before any changes you made will take effect, they must be approved by a church administrator. So if you don’t see changes take place immediately, don’t worry—we’ll approve your changes soon!

View Pictorial Directory

You can view the Saint John pictorial directory by clicking the link below your main tabs. Search for a family by last name or use the letter grid to browse through families alphabetically by last name. Just as your family’s general information is published (or not published) based on the Publish preferences you set, you will see other families’ phone numbers, emails, photos, and addresses based on the Publish preferences they have set for their own records.

We hope the pictorial directory will be a great resource for you as you connect with your church family!

View Giving History

You can view your giving history by clicking on the Giving History button.

Notice that you can view giving history for the whole family or look at giving by member.

It’s always a good idea to double-check our records with yours. If you have questions about your giving history or think we may have made an error, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher at [email protected].

Register for Classes

Click on the Religious Education tab and then the Online Registration button. From here, the member can verify details in their family record and register for religious education classes.

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