First Catholic Church in Naples to be Blue Zone Certified

Love ought to show itself in deeds more than in words. – St. Ignatius of Loyola

I want to thank you all for your commitment to the vision Father John put forth years ago.  We have begun to renew our Parish Family and the larger community with our focus on persistent programs to provide for the wellness of our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits, and a new facility to make it all a reality: our new Life Center.  We have begun these programs even before the building is complete, and as a result, we have become the first Catholic Church in Naples to become a Blue Zone Certified Faith-Based Organization.  Through the dedication of our Adult Choir members, who assisted in gathering the needed signatures of our 25% of our Parish Family, we have met and exceeded all the requirements for Blue Zone certification. 

We had the opportunity to discuss our efforts with other churches, temples, and synagogues this past week.  There are two core areas that our efforts clearly showed our commitment to wellness.  The first is our church’s environment, where we have done everything from becoming a smoke-free campus, to ensuring there are bike racks and walking areas like our Prayer Garden, to promote healthy living.  The second area is our programmatic focus on wellness, with our Zumba classes, our Farmer’s Market, and fun activity nights for families and individuals of all ages.

It is just the beginning, so please stay tuned for our new CYO and CAO Programs in the coming weeks.  There is something for everyone and for all ages!

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

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