Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Commissioning Ceremony 2014


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Commissioning Ceremony


Do you wish to deepen your reverence and obedience to God’s call? Do you wish to strengthen your spiritual journey through ongoing transformation? Join in the experiences, the graces and the teachings of this powerful ministry.

It was a busy weekend for our Extraordinary Ministers here at St. John the Evangelist. Our spiritual weekend began with a Saturday morning Appreciation Breakfast; 105 savoring a time of socializing, a time of reflection and a time of powerful teachings by Fr. John. “Such a wonderful breakfast for all the Eucharistic Ministers!” tweeted Jen Cox, one of our 5PM Contemporary Mass EMEs. Truly… this is a ministry lead by the Holy Spirit and all that attended left knowing that their dedication and devotion is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, as they open the hearts of those who receive.

Onto the Commissioning of 127 Extraordinary Ministers!! Another Spirit filled experience which began at the 3pm Vigil Mass and continued through the 5pm Contemporary Mass. All ministers were asked to rise in front of the congregation to reflect on their willingness to undertake this awesome responsibility to “take and eat” just as the apostles did at the Last Supper. Fr. John , the Celebrant of the 11:15 Mass, performed a special Rite of Commissioning for Nace Baier and Mary Ellen Metro who were honored as the new Coordinators of the Extraordinary Ministers of St. John the Evangelist.

We invite you to spend some prayer time reflecting on the gifts and talents God has given you, discerning whether the Holy Spirit is calling you to this humble ministry…to serve our congregation, our community of the homebound, the sick, and our local hospital patients.

For more information, please visit our webpage.


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