As you have seen over the past year, the new Family Mission has exploded out of the gate, with dozens of new and renewed programs. These programs have only been successful due to the hundreds of volunteers that have stepped up #ToServe. From Vacation Bible School crew leaders, to Youth Group members directing traffic for fundraisers, to the Men’s Club and Knights supporting Families in Christ, we have all come together in the “We Are Saint John” collaborative efforts for the parish. There are a few individuals that I do feel need some special mention:
- Melissa O’Brien – Not only has Melissa assisted with all the family-centric programs, including Families in Christ and Vacation Bible School, Melissa was the Director for our Night in Bethlehem
- Natalie Campbell and Lena Costain – From Altar Server Team members to new Capital Campaign leaders, to cleaning up the church during Parish Beautification Day, these amazing women are always ready to pitch in
- Ed and Lisa Koon – New parishioners to Saint John, they immediately came to the parish with new ideas (like Dad’s Rule) and willingness to assist
There are so many others I would like to thank (and of course, recruit for our excitement for the next years), so please accept my appreciation for all you do for our parish!
I hope you all had a Blessed Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best in the New Year!