Continued Commitment: Wellness for the Entire Person

Almost two years ago, we began talking about how we want to assist our Parish Family’s wellness focus, the healthy balance of mind, body, soul, and spirit.  When a group of people come together in worship and communion with each other, it makes such a positive impact on each individual.  Wellness is at the heart of all our new initiatives, from the Farmer’s Market to the Life Center, to our new CYO and CAO Programs. 

One international effort for wellness that we have utilized is called Blue Zones.  Blue Zones are places around the world where people have been able to live longer and happier lives based on their personal habits and their interaction within their community.  One of the unique traits for Blue Zones from other Wellness programs is that belonging to a faith-based group and attending services regularly is actually a core requirement of the Power of 9.

What Are the Benefits of Participating in the Blue Zones Project?

There are several personal benefits of participating in the Blue Zones Project and making the Personal Blue Zones Project Better Health Commitment.

  • Improved health and well-being
  • Living a longer and happier life
  • Having a sense of purpose and significance
  • Better family communication and connectedness
  • Closer relationships with others on the journey
  • Support from the Blue Zones Team in my church and from others on the journey
  • Access to free Blue Zones Project resources and events
  • Stewardship of God’s gift to you (your body)

The Blue Zones Project is free of charge to the people in a region, as a corporate sponsor pays for the entire project. The Naples Community Hospital is the generous sponsor for Southwest Florida.

St. John became the first Religious Organization to have scored above 32 points in the Blue Zone program, through our existing and planned activities that promote the health and wellness of our Parish Family.  We only need about 150 more participants in the Blue Zone commitment from our church in order to be fully recognized as a Blue Zone certified Religious Organization, the first Catholic Church to reach that goal.  Here is the link if you would like to sign the commitment for our Parish Family electronically:

There will be NCH and St. John Blue Zone representatives available after Mass this weekend outside the church so you can ask questions, get more information, and even sign the commitment to working with us all to foster wellness for all our bodies, our minds, our souls and our spirits.

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