We are doubly blessed each year to honor the Feast Days of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph in the same week. This year, those days fall on Wednesday, March 17 (Saint Patrick’s Day), and Friday, March 19 (Saint Joseph’s Feast). Saint John the Evangelist will provide an opportunity to celebrate these Masses during our 9 AM Daily Mass on each of those days. Please join us in this celebration as it is also an opportunity to give to support the poor and hungry right here in Naples.
Saint Patrick’s Day Support for Saint Vincent DePaul Society Services to the Local Poor
Our Saint Vincent DePaul Society has been extremely active during this past year. The Pandemic has hit the marginalized and working poor of Naples tremendously hard, as seen in the massive lines for food and supplies across the area. They have even instituted a distribution directly in several neighborhoods where families cannot drive to pick up the food. Here is a message from Carl, our SVDP President:
I just wanted to share a few photos from our work today and the first of monthly delivery’s, moving forward, to these neighborhoods. We served 94 Families and over 200 adults and children. Each family received 9lbs of rice, 6lbs of beans, 5lbs of flour and 1/48oz bottle of water.
In the end, it is a 100 percent SVDP effort with our parish family and conference providing the money, and volunteers to serve the neighbors, and the council providing the logistics of food purchase, pick up and delivery to the neighborhoods.We are blessed to be part of a parish family that enables us to love those in need!
Blessings to you,
Carl Monticelli
Saint Vincent DePaul members will be at the doors after the 9 AM Saint Patrick’s Day Mass on Wednesday, March 17, in order to receive your generosity for their mission to serve the poor of Naples.
If you would like to give online to this worthy cause, please go to the below link:
Saint Vincent DePaul Society Online Giving
Knights of Columbus Food Pantry Support During the Saint Joseph Feast Celebration
Traditionally, our Knights of Columbus Council 11281 celebrates the Italian (and other nationalities) Feast of St. Joseph with a dedicated Mass and Reception, replete with favorite foods, music, and dancing long into the night. The proceeds of that evening helped to fund the tremendous work the Knights provide to the local food pantries in the area.
However, due to the continuing COVID-19 Response, it would not be appropriate to have such a celebration. Instead, please join the Knights at our 9 AM Daily Mass on Friday, March 19, for special music marking the occasion. The Knights will be at the doors after Mass to receive your generosity in assisting with their food pantry support program.
If you would like to give to this worthy cause, please visit the below link to give online: