Saint John and the Knights of Columbus are excited to present our young people with a unique opportunity to learn about over 20 Catholic Colleges and Universities to see if these schools are the right fit for their future. We are opening up our Fair to not only our parish families, but all the parishes and high schools in the area, giving students an opportunity to see the spectrum of opportunities to engage their spiritual growth as well as their academic education and social consciousness development. This event will be hosted in the Parish Life Center Ballroom on September 27th, starting at 10:00 AM and going to 2:00 PM. Some of the schools we are expecting include:
- Georgetown University
- Notre Dame University
- Saint John University
- Holy Cross University
- Ave Maria University
- Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Barry University
- Catholic University of America
- Gonzaga University
- Marymount University
- Loras College
- Neumann College
- Stonehill College
- Saint Michael College
- Seton Hall University
- Santa Clara University
- Fairfield University
- Xavier University
- Trinity University
- Villanova University
- Thomas Aquinas College
- Emmanuel College
- Saint Joseph University
- University of San Diego
- Saint Thomas University