Remembering Irma’s Impact Calls Us to Respond to Laura
Our Parish Family has witnessed the terror and damage of a major hurricane first-hand. Our strength, fortitude, and resilience from surviving through Hurricane Irma now allows us to live our our Mission: To Know, To Love, and To Serve God on a daily basis. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that calls us to support our brothers and sisters dealing with the impact of Hurricane Laura, as the national community supported us nearly three years ago. Please prayerfully consider a gift so that we can provide the direct assistance to Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana Diocese of Lake Charles with funds to purchase essential items for their Parishes and Communities.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Creole St. Theodore Catholic Church in Moss Bluff The Very Rev. Ruben Buller, Vicar General, and Rev. Joseph Caraway, parochial vicar at St. Henry Catholic Church, load Father Caraway’s truck to take water out to the neighborhood around Saint Henry’s. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Creole
Many of us still recoil at these images that mirror some of our own experiences from just three years ago:
Full View of Church Roof Destroyed AC Unit from Flying Tiles Trees down all over campus Tiles flew from every part of the church roof Cleaning pews and carpet Donations kept coming in!
Saint John the Evangelist will provide direct assistance to the community of Lake Charles through our connection with Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana as well as through the National Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. As a Parish Family, we hope we can all prayerfully consider a gift to support those that are experiencing the same heartache and pain that we did. We will be providing an online donation opportunity through Saint John that will go directly to those in need for food, emergency shelter, and other necessities: