The Future is Now: Catholic Youth Organization and Catholic Adult Organization Priorities Survey

CYOLogoWith over a year of campaigning and communication (today marks the 68th straight bulletin story about the Life Center, Programs, and Improvements), we are pleased to announce that the new program focus of Saint John the Evangelist is coming to fruition.  With persistent and engaging programs for our Parish Family and for the larger community, we want to hear from all of you about how to prioritize our efforts to make Saint John your destination for fellowship.  We have three core areas to focus on: Social and Spiritual, Sports and Wellness, and Arts and Music.  No matter your age or your interests, you will find something unique and enlivening at St. John.  Those of you on the younger side will be able to take advantage of the first and only Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) in Florida.  Those of you who have graduated from that age will be able to utilize the first ever Catholic Adult Organization (CAO), with activities that will enrich your life.

In order to hit the ground running, we are not waiting for the Life Center to be complete to start these efforts. The clergy and staff of St. John ask you to take a few moments to fill out our survey on programs for all ages.  The easiest way to do so is online: below.  However, we understand that it can be difficult for some of our Parish Family to access a computer, so we will have the survey available at the Parish Office for you to fill out.  Be part of the future of St. John as Pope Francis calls us to fellowship with “new wine in new wineskins”!

Mobile Devices should follow this link to fill out the survey.

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