World Meeting of Family Day Five: Bishops and Field Hospitals

IMG_3503Today was an amazing day that continued the theme of both the Family and the Catholic Church as a “Field Hospital” for Jesus.  Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, the only Protestant sharing the keynote stage, along with Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston.  The rousing speech by Pastor Warren, in which he illustrated the love and joy of the family as the future of the Christian World, was followed by the most heartfelt message by Cardinal O’Malley.  He told the story of how when his brothers went to New Guinea  and met with the natives and enlivened the connection to Jesus Christ.  However, those same natives traveled to the other side of their land and came back with stories of similar natives who had met with the Lutheran Missionaries.  They became so disheartened with Christianity because how could Jesus, who washed the feet of all his disciples, even those that intended to do him harm, and told them to work together in harmony to spread the joy of his message, would have separate groups that did not believe the same things and preach the same to new people, they could not understand the difference.  We are so much more alike in our belief in Jesus in his message.  We must all work together to spread that Good News to all around us, with joy and love.  Our group not only met up with Bishop Dewane of the Diocese of Venice, but many other Bishops and Cardinals that were in attendance today.

Our pilgrimage for the World Meeting of Families ended today, but as those of you following Our Holy Father’s pilgrimage to the United States knows, we are far from done.  Tomorrow, Pope Francis will arrive in Philadelphia for the Festival of Families and a special Papal Mass.  We will be with you all in our coverage and connection to these events.

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