#Family Mission Update: 2/16/2014

#ToKnow – What is my job, really?

The question I have been asked more than anything in starting this new effort here at Saint John is: “Are you the new Youth Minister?” The short answer is no. The full answer is that we are moving in a new direction to integrate the Youth Ministry programs and Family Ministry programs (along with a host of new initiatives we will discuss in the Listening Sessions and other venues). We will no longer have a specific Youth Minister or Family Minister. Instead, like the Faith Formation program, we will work together as a team to ensure all efforts are executed effectively.

#ToLove – Upcoming Events

We are very fortunate to have the Salesian Sisters from Saint John Neumann High School lead us in our Families in Christ Educational Series. They will be joining us again on February 26th, at 5:30PM in the PLC Ballroom. We hope all families will attend.


Can you believe that the end of the school year is coming up soon? We have chosen the theme for this summer’s Vacation Bible School and are beginning the planning process and looking for volunteers. Please contact me if you are interested in supporting this fun, engaging week of faith enrichment for our kids.

#ToServe – Opportunities to Give Back

Pope Francis (@Pontifex) has released his Lenten Message for 2014, focused on active and direct action to combat poverty:

Material destitution is what is normally called poverty, and affects those living in conditions opposed to human dignity: those who lack basic rights and needs such as food, water, hygiene, work and the opportunity to develop and grow culturally. In response to this destitution, the Church offers her help, her diakonia, in meeting these needs and binding these wounds which disfigure the face of humanity. In the poor and outcast we see Christ’s face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.

Please stay tuned for some very important opportunities for Saint John to provide our #diakonia directly here in Naples. If you have any questions or thoughts, please do not hesitate to contact me at: [email protected]


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