October is Respect Life Month
As Catholics, we are called to respect every form of life at every stage, from the time we are knit together in our mothers’ wombs until we take our final breaths. Respecting life encompasses so many life-affirming social justice foci, from combatting the scourge of abortion, ending poverty and racism, welcoming refugees and immigrants, serving those in prison, respecting the aged, to ending euthanasia and the death penalty. We are blessed here at Saint John to have such wonderful individuals and groups dedicated to life-affirming action, from the Knights of Columbus, whose successful Life Fest Concert supported local special needs groups like STARability, to our Respect Life Committee. We are also blessed that our Parish Sculptor, Timothy Schmalz, whose bronze images are placed throughout our Sanctuary and campus, unveiled his latest creation, Angels Unaware, to the Pope this past weekend. Its visceral depiction of refugees and immigrants throughout time illustrate how God is found in those desperate to find safety, and it is our God-given responsibility to shelter and welcome them.

Please join in prayer with our Parish Family today for Respect Life Weekend. We will have a prayer vigil in our Memorial Garden immediately following the 9 AM Mass.