A New Call to Grandparenting
Society has placed nearly super-human demands on families today. Parents are struggling to succeed in the multiple arenas of school, sports, other activities, jobs, church, and community, while also dealing with financial pressures. In many homes, family life is getting only left-over time.
Obviously, today’s families could use more support than most of them are getting. Grandparents are perfect candidates to fill in the gaps in the fabric of family life, not to supplant the parents but as unique reservoirs of knowledge and experience who bring a valuable dimension to the lives of their grandchildren. Most grandparents care deeply about their grandchildren and want the best for them.
There are many dimensions of grandparenting in the 21st century, including how to keep connected with long-distance grandchildren in a fast-paced world. Grandparents are the best models, mentors, and memory-makers for their grandchildren. Telling the family stories and sharing your heritage is key. Passing on your wisdom and legacy is invaluable.
Consider your unique role as a grandparent and how grandparents are the axle on the wheel of family life. Assess your many gifts and talents, and explore ways to use them to benefit your grandchildren. Realize your true grandparent potential as you explore new ways to enhance the grandparent-grandchild relationship.
Deacon Gary and Kay Aitchison, longtime associates and friends of Sue and Wayne Hamilton, are visiting Naples. The Aitchisons are from Ames, Iowa, and they both write and present about marriage enrichment, family spirituality, and grandparenting. Gary and Kay were invited to present The Grand Adventure grandparenting program at an International Congress on the Family sponsored by the Pontifical Council on the Family, November 26, 2010, in Rome.
The Grand Adventure was created in response to an observed need in today’s society to make better use of the grandparenting connection in family life. The program was inspired by and modeled from the many dynamic and committed grandparents who share their time, talent, gifts, and charisma with their grandchildren.
Gary and Kay have agreed to present an Introduction to The Grand Adventure at Saint John the Evangelist. New, seasoned, and prospective grandparents, both singles and couples, are invited to consider how to take a more active role in sharing your talent, faith, wisdom, and experience with your grandchildren.
- Wednesday, January 29, at 4:30 p.m. in the Rome Room
- Thursday, January 30, at 9:30 a.m. in the Nazareth Room
Registration is not required but appreciated. Just email [email protected] or leave a message at (239) 228 3918 and include the session you plan to attend and the number of people.