One Starry Night In Bethlehem!

One Starry Night in Bethlehem

Christmas Spectacular

One Starry Night In Bethlehem!

5:30 PM in the PLC Ballroom

one starry night logo• Bring your whole family to an experience of the Holy Land, right here at St. John the Evangelist!

• The Marketplace will be open from 5:30 to 7 PM. There you will be able to bake some bread, or make a crown in Herod’s Palace, or make other fun crafts!

• Since hungry travelers will be coming from far away, please bring a covered dish to share, and the Marketplace will provide delicious turkey and drinks for all!

• After having eaten and walked through town, we’ll go over to the church to witness the Journey to the Manger firsthand! (Details on Christmas Concert below)

• After the concert, join us for a birthday celebration for Jesus, with cake and goodie bags right outside the church for all to enjoy! Santa will also be visiting us!!!

• Admission to One Starry Night is FREE ~  suggested donation is $5.00 per adult.

For more information — or to help with this event! — please contact Charlene Youngs at 566-8740 or email [email protected]


Then at 7 PM in the Church

The Christmas Story!

The St. John the Evangelist Music Department has an early Christmas gift for the parish: an original presentation of the Nativity of our Lord, told in story & song by our combined choirs (Adult, Children, & Contemporary), several talented soloists, and many of our amazing young people in the first annual production of our new Christmas tradition!  Come witness the concert, sing along with your favorite hymns, and join us for a reception afterwards!

• 7 PM in the Church
• Admission free
• No ticket required


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