CAO Movie Nights: Vatican Great Films to Choose From

The arts give expression to the beauty of the faith and proclaim the Gospel. – Pope Francis

In 1995, to celebrate 100 years of film, the Vatican released a list of 45 “Great Films”.  These films fit into 3 different categories, Religion, Values, and Art.  It is interesting that several of the movies we chose to show last year are on this list, including “The Mission” and “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Our next Catholic Adult Organization Movie Night Series selections will be chosen from this list as well.  If there is a specific one you are interested in seeing, please let me know.




As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher, at 239-566-8740 or email: [email protected].

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