May 22, 2011

Over my fourteen years at St. John the Evangelist, I have tried my best to follow the arrival and departure patterns of our seasonal residents.  Many of these seasonal residents used to arrive in October to open their winter residences and then depart prior to Thanksgiving to spend the holidays…

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May 15, 2011

Ask and you shall receive! Several weeks ago I made a request for a copier in the Claussen Center to be used by the Faith Formation, Music Ministry and Youth Ministry departments.  Bob Bruckman stepped forward and donated a combination printer/copier which will be used in the Music Office. John…

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May 8, 2011

While I enjoy writing my weekly column, occasionally I make a statement which I later find not to be completely accurate.  Such is the case with my comments last week regarding the Pascal Candle stand and smaller candle stands.  While it is true that a very generous parishioner donated the…

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May 1, 2011

Wow, what a weekend!  If you were fortunate enough to attend Mass this past Saturday evening for the Vigil or Sunday for the Easter celebration, you were most likely as amazed as me at the massive crowds that turned out to recognize the Resurrection of our Lord.  Beginning at 8:00…

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April 24, 2011

The Paniccia Prayer Garden is officially sold out.  All 14 Stations of the Cross, six benches, St. Francis of Assisi statue, St. Francis of Assisi mosaic and wall fountain have been committed to by very generous parishioners.  Believe it or not, we actually have a waiting list for Stations in…

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