February 19, 2012

Please welcome Barbara Kuryea (Finance Council Member) as she discusses the many different variables of the Catholic Faith Appeal at all Masses this weekend.  We ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge for the 2012 annual appeal.  Thank you for your consideration. The Buildings and Grounds Committee has worked…

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February 12, 2012

The Super Bowl this past Sunday was an amazing success.  Nearly 300 guests enjoyed an epic battle featuring two of the best quarterbacks in the game.  This was the first year with our new audio visual system and to say that it was well received is an understatement.  Everyone was…

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February 5, 2012

Did you know that we participate in a sandwich program for the Immokalee Friendship House?  As a matter of fact, the sandwiches used to be prepared in our kitchen.  In 2001, North Naples United Methodist Church offered to move the distribution headquarters to their location on Goodlette Road.  Many of…

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January 29, 2012

With the exception of two very brief cold snaps, this winter may go down as the “winter that wasn’t.”  As I write my weekly column, we are preparing to set a record high temperature of 85 degrees.  This is, by far, the warmest winter I have experienced in my fifteen…

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