Category: #FamilyMission
Family Mission Information and Communication
Life in a Jar: Irena Sendler, Catholic Oskar Schindler Saved 2,500 Children

Saint John is so blessed to be able to provide information and support to the Catholic-Jewish Dialog, and many other inter-faith programs. As part of our continued efforts to educate and collaborate, Saint John has been given permission by the Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida to post online (for the…
Team Needed for Night in Bethlehem
Year of Discernment for Family: Synod is Just the Beginning
Pregnancy Resource Center’s Walk for Life and Diaper Derby

Please join the Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Florida on Saturday, November 8th, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Golden Gate Community Park for their Walk for Life and Diaper Derby, with proceeds going to benefit their work with women and families facing a pregnancy-related crisis. They serve…