Have you ever wondered how much income is generated for Habitat for Humanity through the sale of newspapers on Sunday outside of Mass? In the prior calendar year ending December 31, 2010, just over $5,800.00 was raised through this program. The proceeds are used to assist those less fortunate through the gift of home ownership. In addition, over $66,000.00 was raised this past year for the benefit of Habitat for Humanity through St. John the Evangelist. Thank you to the volunteers that offer the paper for sale EVERY Sunday so that you may conveniently pick up a copy without having to stop by a store and thank you to the parishioners that give so generously to Habitat for Humanity.
Here is the latest on the International Festival to be held on Sunday, April 10th from 12:30pm until 3:30 pm. By offering an earlier start time those of you attending the 11:15 am and 1:15 pm Masses may step right out of church and into the festival. Thus far we have representation from Belize, Ireland, Vietnam and the United States. I am sure some of you will step forward from Mexico, Italy and Poland, to only name a few. The parish will provide a stipend for you to purchase food supplies and we will also supply all of the hard goods necessary including plates, napkins, utensils, chafing dishes, sterno and trays. This way, you will be able to concentrate strictly on cooking your food. The price for admission will be $10 per adult and $5 per child or $20 for a family. soda, water, beer and wine will be included at no additional charge. This event will be hosted by the Men’s Club but will involve many of you. We are asking that if you have an affinity for cooking the food of a particular ethnicity that you contact Peter Heaney ASAP to coordinate your involvement in this event. We will have tents setup around the courtyard for each Country to showcase their delicacies. You will have the option of dining in the ballroom or in the courtyard. If you are interested, please contact Peter Heaney at [email protected] or 290-8484 ASAP to sign up. Please see the flyer in this week’s bulletin for details. Wristbands will be available for purchase beginning Wednesday, March 16th in the parish office.
Once again, on the opposite page you will find a succinct plan for the Paniccia Prayer Garden. You may now depict the locations of the individual Stations of the Cross, St. Francis of Assisi statue as well as the benches. Many of you have commented that you were having a difficult time reading the huge plan in the Narthex. There are currently nine Stations of the Cross and two benches remaining. The statue of St. Francis of Assisi also still remains. The Stations that are committed are noted in red. The cost for the St. Francis statue is $15,000.00, Stations of the Cross are $7,500.00 and benches are $3,000.00. We are also planning on offering benches in the Memorial Garden and in front of the Church if that would suit your needs better. Some of you have taken advantage of my offer to pay for your Station or bench over the course of eight months or by the end of October. We would like to have all of the Stations, benches and the Statue spoken for by the end of season so that we may order the granite, break ground and have the grand opening by the end of the year.
Would you like a discount on your automobile insurance? I would but unfortunately I don’t qualify. But if you are a senior, you most likely do qualify. We are hosting an AARP Driver Safety Class on March 23rd from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm in the Seminar Room of the Claussen Center. The cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. This is a very informative and fun class. Upon completion of the program you will be eligible for a substantial discount on your automobile insurance by submitting documentation to your provider. If you are interested in participating, please contact Toni Valery at 593-9329.
We are off to a great start with regards to the 2011 Catholic Faith Appeal. To date, we are just shy of $100,000.00 pledged and are only three weeks into the campaign. If you were in attendance for my presentation on the 19th & 20th of February, I did my very best to explain that the funds raised through the CFA are going to very worthwhile causes. If you are a seasonal resident or visitor, please make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your extreme generosity.
Parish Resource Directories are now available in the narthex of the church. If you have yet to pick one up, please do so. The directory is very well done and will provide you with valuable information about your parish and all of the programs and ministries offered.
Thank you so much for supporting St. John the Evangelist.