Immokalee Children Say “Thank You” To Saint John

IMG_1224We have been blessed with so much support and encouragement in our Mission work for both our new programs, the Immokalee Mission Team and the Homeless Feeding Program. In fact, our Vacation Bible School Kid-to-Kid program has kicked off our capability to support our community by providing over 100 bags of groceries. We took half of the food out to Immokalee this week and we received the grateful response of the children of Immokalee, some of which rely exclusively on the food banks provided by Catholic Charities and other churches in the area. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Charities Food Bank has asked me to relay the gratitude of these families to our church.

“Thank you so much for your generosity, compassion, and care. The food pantry donation you brought today was wonderful and will make our families very happy for the next couple of weeks-pudding is such a treat for them! We’ll write Father John a thank you note, but would very much appreciate it if you could tell the children thank you. From our kids to your kids.”

Thank you all!

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