April 13, 2014

Since this is Palm Sunday weekend and there will be more than a few of you at Mass, I figured I would make my third and final attempt at procuring a buyer for the Rose garden pedestal adjacent to the Veteran’s Memorial.  Below is a repeat of what I included in my column back on February 2.

for-memorial.ROSEjpgI would like to make a very exciting announcement about an upcoming addition to our campus and more importantly, to our Veterans’ Memorial.  In the grassy area immediately adjacent (east) to the existing Veterans’ Memorial, we will be creating a rose garden.  The centerpiece of the rose garden will be a magnificent granite pedestal featuring all branches of the armed services.  Many of you remember our prior discussion about engraving the emblems on the benches currently in place.  After further discussion, it was determined that this location would not be an appropriate place to recognize the branches of our armed services.  The pedestal will be in the shape of a pentagon (see picture) allowing each branch to be prominently engraved on its own panel.  The granite pedestal will match the existing granite which serves as the tops for the benches surrounding the “Lest we Forget” statue.  The top of the pedestal is being reserved for the wishes of the individual(s) who wish(es) to sponsor the Rose Garden. If you are interested in sponsoring the Rose Garden and having naming rights as well as the inscription of your choice on top of the pedestal, please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss.  Unfortunately there is only one opportunity available in this situation.  The cost for all of the above is $15,000.00.

It is quite possible that while you are reading my column this weekend you will be attending Mass in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center.  We are once again offering overflow Masses in the PLC due to larger than expected crowds this weekend and next.  Because Easter arrives very late this year, we are not sure if the overflow Masses will be necessary for Palm Sunday as many of our seasonal parishioners have departed.  We do know that next weekend will certainly be a must for the overflow Masses.

We have just ordered 125 new granite markers which will complete the renovation of the entire east side of the Memorial Garden.  I am confident that you will appreciate the vast improvement that the new markers provide from an aesthetic point of view.  The completed sections look so clean and consistent.  This install should take place within the next month.  We should have the entire garden completed sometime during the summer.  If you are interested in making Saint John the Evangelist your final resting place, please contact me at 566.1678 to arrange an appointment.  The all-inclusive price remains at $1,500.00, which is a mere fraction of what you will pay at a cemetery.

Have you filed your Federal Income Tax return?  As a reminder, Tuesday is April 15 and your return (or extension) must be postmarked by this date in order to prevent a penalty by the IRS.

We finally have a clay rendering of the corpus for our new Processional Cross which you have all been patiently awaiting.  As you may remember, Timothy Schmalz, the same sculptor who created the corpus for our crucifix, Mary and Saint John the Evangelist, designed this beautiful corpus for our processional cross.  Unfortunately, the first one he created was made of bronze and was too large and heavy to be used for a processional cross.  The new version will be cast in resin with a bronze finish.  I will not dare to suggest a delivery date but wanted to let everyone know that we have approved the design so that Timothy may cast the sculpture.

Did you know that we now have a new inventory of the “Lest We Forget” miniature statue?  “Lest We Forget” is the name of the statue which resides at the Veterans’ Memorial depicting Jesus embracing a soldier.  We have been sold out for months while they cast new statues in Canada.  The mini statues may be purchased in the Divine Gift Boutique.

Please consider making a donation to the Easter Spiritual Bouquet so that the Arts and Liturgical Environment Committee may furnish the church and Altar with beautiful flowers this Easter season.  Any excess funds will be used to keep the Altar decorated year round.  If you are unable to locate a Spiritual Bouquet envelope, please tear out the sample on page 11 of the bulletin or on the opposite page.  Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA, General Manager

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