Bishop Dewane Presides Over Saint John Mass for the Victims of Child Abuse

CrossApril is Child Abuse Awareness Prevention Month, and in conjunction with the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Diocese of Venice will hold a Mass to pray for victims of child abuse. The Mass is Monday, April 7 at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Avenue North, Naples at 12:00 p.m.

This is the seventh consecutive year this Mass will be held in the Diocese. Please join Bishop Frank J. Dewane in praying for the victims of abuse and their families. All the faithful are encouraged to attend.

The Bishop celebrated a wonderful Mass, which included a heartfelt and direct message from our Pope, asking for all of us a Catholics to give mercy, love and support to all the victims of abuse.  We are not only responsible to ensure this never happens again, but to provide pastoral love and support to those devastated by these evil acts.

Thank you, Bishop Dewane!



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