Following Directive of Bishop Dewane’s HHS Letter

The HHS has issued a rule forcing nearly all private health plans to include coverage for all FDA-approved prescription contraceptive drugs and devices, as well as surgical sterilization. These are listed among “preventive services for women” that all health plans will have to cover without co-pays or other cost-sharing — regardless of whether the insurer, the employer or other plan sponsor, or even the woman herself objects to such coverage.

The exemption provided for “religious employers” is so narrow that it fails to cover the vast majority of faith-based organizations, including Catholic hospitals, universities and service organizations that help millions every year. Ironically, not even Jesus and his disciples would have qualified.

During the public comment period last fall, the bishops’ grassroots campaign alone generated over 57,000 comments to HHS opposing their mandate.

Now that the Administration has refused to recognize the Constitutional conscience rights of organizations and individuals who oppose the mandate, the bishops are now urging Catholics and others of good will to fight this unprecedented attack on conscience rights and religious liberty.

Please write to those who have been elected to represent you on a national level. The link below well take you to a electronic letter to send to your representative , or use the information at the bottom of the page to send a traditional letter.

WRITE to your representatives and LEARN MORE about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops call to protect Religious Liberties

READ Bishop Frank J. Dewane, Diocese of Venice, response to the HHS mandate

DOWNLOAD letter from Father John

DOWNLOAD USCCB response to WH blog on HHS mandate

DOWNLOAD  USCCB response to the Obama Administration “accommodation” and continued call for action

Please write a letter to those who have been elected to represent you on a national level.
When writing letter, replace the words “Name” and Address” with your name and address

Congressman Connie Mack
115 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

DOWNLOAD word doc letter to Connie Mack

Senator Bill Nelson
United States Senate
716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

DOWNLOAD word doc letter to Bill Nelson

Senator Marco Rubio
United States Senate
317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510

DOWNLOAD word doc letter to Marco Rubio




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