Catholic Author/Speaker and Physicist –
Dr. David Keys Returns to St. John the Evangelist on November 10, 2019
The issue isn’t either religion or science, but both religion and science.
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Dr. Keys will contrast the Church’s Teachings with modern Science’s explanations and will show that there is no conflict between the two when properly understood. In fact, Science should lead one to God. (Rom 1:20)
Learn the teachings of the Church regarding Creation and Science.
You will be familiarized with the Church-approved method of understanding Scripture as applied to Creation, and you will learn the Papal Encyclical requirements regarding the study of Evolution.
Discover how Evolution is Cosmic, Chemical, Biologic, AND PLANNED.
Hear the utterly fascinating story of the “Goldilocks” steps of Earth’s Cosmic Evolution (for example, not too hot, not too cold), the incredulous step of Chemical Evolution (Initiation of Life), and the development of animal life in Biologic Evolution, which was consummated with the installation of a Soul in our first parents.
Come to the Nazareth Room of the Pulte Family Life Center Sunday, Nov. 10, 2019, at 6:15 p.m.
Although there is no charge to attend this event, advance registration will enable us to have space for you. Register online here, or email [email protected], or leave a message at 239.228.3918.