Convocation of Catholic Leaders Day 1: Mass that Showcases Universalism of Church

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is currently holding one of its largest meetings, called the Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando over the Independence Day Weekend.  We are very blessed as a Parish Family that Father John Ludden, our Pastor, has made it a priority for our church to attend to contribute our voice and listen intently to learn from other experts in our faith.  Natalie Campbell, our DRE, was requested to attend by Bishop Dewane, Father John, Rick Beebe, our Pastoral Stewardship Council, and Jean-Paul Boucher, the General Manager, are all attending for our Parish Family.

Inspired by Evangelii Gaudium, the Convocation will form leaders who will be equipped and re-energized to share the Gospel as missionary disciples, while offering fresh insights informed by new research, communications strategies, and successful models.

We arrived just in time to witness the opening Mass of the Convocation of Catholic Leaders here in Orlando, FL.  However, out of respect, our team from Saint John did not go into the Hall.  Instead, we had a unique opportunity to witness how the Mass was experienced by the other participants.  It was a wonderful illustration of several themes:

  • Universality – There were both Gospel Choirs and Gregorian Chants as the Liturgical Music, which engaged the congregation differently
  • Theme of Joy and Inclusion – Cardinal Dolan gave a light-hearted and engaging Homily.

A core insight came to light in our discussions with all the different people we met after the Mass.  They thought that this beautiful Mass illustrated exactly what the theme was all about, joy.  But, we all noticed that there was a feeling of “gloom” when some of the chanting made it difficult for full participation.  Some of the participants did not seem to enjoy Cardinal Dolan’s quips during the Mass, where he commented on how “things are done in NYC”.  Others laughed out loud.

Sister Pat, Principal of Saint John Neumann High School, is attending too!

It has invigorated us to make this Convocation a special moment of the Catholic Church here in the US.  But more importantly, to declare we are in permanent state of Missionary action as a Catholic Church, focusing on embracing and accompanying all, especially those who identify as “Nones” (no religious affiliation) and those on the peripheries of our parish and our society.

Several of us met with nationally recognized experts in Youth and Young Adult programs after the Mass.  In those conversations, it was actually these experts who were taken aback at just how much we are doing to engage, shepherd, and enliven the younger groups in our area.  From the Life Center to starting CYO to involving adults in arts programs, they believe we are not only on the right track, but that we are thought leaders for the rest of the parishes should look towards.

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