How Art Programs Impact Our Church

[I]t is not only possible to experience God through art, but beautiful art can be a path that leads us to contemplation, which is at the heart of the faith. – Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi

We have just begun the process of renewing the programmatic focus of Saint John the Evangelist, to ensure we are providing the activities and events that enliven our souls, spirits, bodies, and minds.  One set of these new programs are the Arts and Music courses, which have been asked for by our Parish Family.  These classes are for every age group, with both Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and Catholic Adult Organization (CAO) specific classes.  From Acting to Piano Lessons, from Art Appreciation and Painting to Group Vocal training, we have something for every interest in the arts.  While the youth are learning the essentials of Ballroom dancing, our adult community can learn how social dancing can help them enjoy the dinners and events they attend.  You can sign up online and on the office for both sets of programs for our first sessions starting this week.

The medical and social benefits of artistic engagement are proven.  Individuals that learn how to play an instrument, or enjoy painting, experience greater cognitive enhancements, staving off the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s, along with physical activity that reduces stress and build a healthy lifestyle.  However, there is a deeper reason that we are focusing so much effort on the arts here at St. John.  Not only has the Catholic Church been the primary patron of the creative arts throughout history, music and beautiful images and sculptures are part of our Liturgical Environment.  Music enhances our faithful journey, focusing all our senses on the Mass.  By increasing our Parish Family’s abilities with singing, playing instruments, proclaiming the Word, and all the artistic activities we are accomplishing, we will all be able to participate deeply in our faith.  Please join us in these wonderful programs.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family to reach our Pinnacle Goals.  If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

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