Ministries Step Up for “We Are Saint John”

It was wonderful to meet with the Ministry Leads this week during our annual Ministry Town Hall.  We were able to discuss the exciting future of our Parish Family, as well as listen to the thoughts and questions from the ministries on how to improve and engage every one of you in the mission of the church.  Some ministries focus on our liturgical environment, like Lectors or the Artistic Environment.  Others focus their efforts on serving the poor, like the Jamaica Outreach Program, the Ladies of Charity, and the Knights of Columbus.  Still others direct their time and talent for social activities, like the Men’s Club and Ladies Auxiliary.  Each one is important to the overall mission and vision of Saint John the Evangelist, To Know, To Love, and To Serve God in His Church and Our Community.

One of the requests from the Ministries is for assistance in growing and expanding their capabilities through new membership.  It is true that these ministries will only be able to move into the future with new ministers, individuals from our Parish Family that are willing to stand up and carry on the mantle of these great efforts.  I would highly recommend you take a look at Page X of the bulletin and read through the ministries to see if there are any that reach your soul and your spirit of stewardship.  It is an essential component of the Catholic Faith that we not only believe the tenants of our Church of love, mercy, respect, and peace, but we are required to take those beliefs and make them a reality in our actions on a daily basis.  Joining in the ministry of St. John is a perfect way to do so.  You could make a person’s day when you smile while you greet them as they arrive at church as a greeter.  You could spend time delivering groceries to food pantries and people’s homes.  You could bring a neighbor with you to church with our Driving Ministry.  There are so many ways to turn our faith into tangible love in this world.

One essential way to ensure our ministries keep this mission at the forefront of their focus is our “We Are Saint John” mantra.  Just like in sports, “We Are Saint John” showcases that what we do, we do as a team, as a family.  We all need to work together for the greater good of the church, not for our own purposes or priorities.  That is part of the definition of ministry, giving of yourself, not for your own reasons, but for the Church.  The Ministry Leads all agree that one of the priorities for this year is “We Are Saint John”.  The first illustration will be our Gaelic and Garlic Festival, March 18-19.  This exciting and massive cultural festival will mesh the two most well-known Catholic cultural events, Saint Patrick’s Day and Saint Joseph’s Feast into a “friendly” clash of Irish and Italian food, drinks, dance, and music.  From a street arcade of games, to a 5K race, from wine and beer tents to food trucks, this festival will take over the campus and will need every single one of us to pitch in.  If you have ever had the treat of attending the Greek Festival, imagine doubling or quadrupling it, with meatball eating contests, family activities, and a street carnival atmosphere.  I am so excited for this unique festival and that we will be the center of activity for Naples that weekend. 

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