Final CFA Status Update for 2016

As we focus on our Catholic Faith Appeal Assessment Goal, I will be providing a short summary of where we stand on a weekly basis.  These updates may be a week or so behind, so we will also provide them on our website, so please visit for the most up-to-date information.

What an amazing feat of our Parish Family.  With only a month and a half to go, our parish was able to raise the nearly $200,000 needed to reach our CFA Goal for 2016.  We stand at $502,797.42, only $15,202.58 from the Diocesan Assessment.  Thank you all for your dedication to this important focus for the gifts to the area of Southwest Florida.  We have been able to sponsor more Catholic Charities support, more Seminarians, and more Diocesan programs than nearly any other parish in our Diocese.  Only Saint Williams has a larger CFA Assessment than us this year.  It is only through your tremendous devotion to our faith that we have been able to achieve this goal.

Unfortunately, our work is not done.  Each year, the Diocese re-evaluates our assessment.  For 2017, they have seen fit to increase our goal only $3,000, to $521,000.  This is very achievable for us, given the dedication we have been able to show this year.  Please stay tuned for our 2017 CFA Weekend in February, and we will continue to keep you updated as we strive to continue to lead this community in service to those most in need around us.

God Bless You!

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