Changing Adoration Chapel Access Code

IMG_2439Unfortunately, due to some recent events, it has become clear that we have some individuals who have been utilizing our 24-hour accessible Adoration Chapel for inappropriate activities.  We want the Chapel to continue to be available all the time for our Parish Family and the Naples community as a safe place to spend reflective time in prayer and worship.  In order to accomplish this in the short term, we will be changing the Adoration Chapel access code on April 11.  In order for you to obtain the new code, please call or visit our main office in the next week in order to verify your registration with our parish and we will provide the new code.  Our long term vision is that the Adoration Chapel, along with all our other facilities, will have an access control system that will allow all of us to access the buildings without the need for codes or keys.  Until that time, however, we must continue to use our existing security system.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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