A Joyous Weekend for the Parish Family

2015FC_FrontWhat a beautiful weekend we had here at Saint John! Last Saturday, I woke up to find an amazing article on the front page of the Neapolitan section of the Naples Daily News showcasing Saint John’s Capital Campaign and our efforts to engage the community in a joyous way. The article is now available online at: http://www.naplesnews.com/lifestyle/faith-and-values/saint-johns-catholic-to-build-14m-center-for-families_78518631. Then, we welcomed 62 children for their First Communion. I got to take my GM hat off for a few hours so I could enjoy the ceremony and Mass as a parishioner, and even more importantly, as a proud father and husband. On Sunday, almost half of the communicants joined the congregation for the Crowning of the Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus statue. The sun was shining brightly and the beaming faces of these children reminded everyone in attendance about the love and happiness that our faith provides and encourages in all of us. I want to thank all those who made this weekend such wonderful moment that will never be forgotten.

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