Saint John Parishioners Give to the Youth Ministry with Super Bowl Excitement
Super Bowl Party to Support Youth Ministry The Youth Ministry would like to thank the hundreds of Saint John Parishioners that turned out to watch the Super Bowl and support their programs and efforts. Additionally, the Ministry thanks Scott Schlossberg and all the support staff who worked so hard to set…
Catholic Faith Appeal 2014
Introducing the 2014 Catholic Faith Appeal The Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA) is a Diocesan-wide fundraising effort to support programs such as: Pastoral Outreach & Ministries; missions, poor parishes and convents; Catholic Charities; Evangelization; Worship; Respect Life; Peace & Social Justice; Vocations & Seminarians; Catholic Education; Diocesan administrative support services; etc.…
February 2, 2014
I would like to make a very exciting announcement about an upcoming addition to our campus and more importantly, to our Veterans’ Memorial. In the grassy area (picture) immediately adjacent (east) to the existing Veterans’ Memorial, we will be creating a rose garden. The centerpiece of the rose garden will…