Continuing to Create Our Safe Environment for the Entire Parish Family

Including from the horrible events last weekend in Paris, which I discussed on the Capital Campaign page, we have clearly illustrated the importance of fostering a completely safe environment within the St. John community.   There are some additional recent illustrations on why our program is so essential to fostering the healing power and joy at the heart of the Catholic Church.

bildeJust last week, an usher in Ocala was caught on camera stealing from the offertory.  Over multiple weeks, the police witnessed this usher take money directly from their baskets at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church.  All of our Parish Families’ gifts should be protected and the assurance that our Ushers and Greeters are properly screened for their efforts, which include assisting physically impaired individuals to their seats as well as being responsible for our financial donations is absolutely needed.  This is not an effort directed any any single person, but is a necessary step due to the world we live in.

An even more important reason for our safe environment can be seen in the movie “Spotlight”, which is being released this week in local theaters.  The movie follows a group of reporters in Boston who uncover the abuses of some of the Catholic Church at the time.  The Church has dedicated itself to actively combating abuse in all forms and openly communicating our efforts to do so.  Pope Francis said:

There is no place in the Church’s ministry for those who commit these abuses, and I commit myself not to tolerate harm done to a minor by any individual, whether a cleric or not. All bishops must carry out their pastoral ministry with the utmost care in order to help foster the protection of minors, and they will be held accountable. – Pope Francis 9/7/2014

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has sent resources to all the Dioceses to assist with the potential response to this movie.  Not only does it clearly showcase the improvements our church has undertaken to become transparent and open in dealing with these crimes, it also directs us all to focus our efforts on healing those who come forward with their pain and continue to ask for forgiveness for these failings, not make excuses.  Finally, it asks:

Remain vigilant.  This is a reminder we cannot afford to become complacent.

St. John is dedicated to ensuring every moment of our Parish Family’s engagement with our church and our faith is filled with love, healing, joy, and acceptance.  I take it as my personal responsibility to foster that safe environment.  I want to thank each and every one of you that has assisted with this ongoing effort by undergoing the background checks and going to the Safe Environment Training classes.  You are the ones that are creating this supportive and inclusive church and our community owes you a debt of gratitude.

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