This article was written originally in May, 2020, to assist our Parish Family with returning to Mass after the initial closure to the public as our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. As cases continue to rise locally and nationally at this time, and we have our Seasonal Parish Family members returning, it seems appropriate to re-introduce some of the changes to our environment that keep everyone safe and healthy while celebrating our faith.
Jean-Paul Boucher, Business Manager
When Will Masses Be?
We have been blessed to be able to provide public Masses since Monday, May 18, 2020, on our normal schedule listed below. Additionally, we will continue to add Overflow Masses to our schedule based on attendance to ensure the proper social distancing for the safety and health of our Parish Family.
Daily Masses
- Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM
- Saturday: 8:00 AM
Weekend Masses
- Saturday: 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM
- Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 9:15 AM Overflow Mass in the Ballroom, 11:00 AM, 11:15 AM Overflow Mass in the Ballroom, 1:00 PM, and 5:00 PM
Can I still watch Mass Online?
Yes! We will continue our same schedule of streaming all our Masses (Daily Mass at 8:30 AM, Saturday at 3:00 PM, and Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM) throughout this phase of the recovery. We respect all life, and as such we want to ensure we provide the opportunity for our Parish Family and Friends to continue to social distance in their homes and not put themselves or others at risk by attending Mass in person.
Will there be Communion?
Yes, communion will be distributed at each Mass, but it will only be the Body of Christ, and it must should be taken in the hand only. UPDATE: If you must receive on the tongue, please wait until every other Communicant has received and go only to the priest in front of the altar to receive. This is for the safety of the whole Parish Family, our Eucharistic Ministers, and the Clergy.
What about Confession? – UPDATE 11/1
We will continue to provide opportunities for Reconciliation outside via your vehicle near our Homeless Jesus statue in the Middle Parking Lot. UPDATE: Reconciliation will be provided in the Inner Sacristy. Penitent individuals may wait in the Narthex (Church Lobby) socially distanced and the priest will come out and receive the individual to bring them into the Sacristy.
- Monday: 9:00 AM (immediately after Daily Mass)
- Wednesday: 9:00 AM (immediately after Daily Mass)
- Saturday: 8:30 AM (immediately after Daily Mass)
Are Other Services Impacted? Funerals? Weddings? Baptisms?
Throughout the Pandemic, we have continued to provide families with weddings and funerals. Now, we will be able to expand these services to allow for the capacity of the church with proper social distancing in place, which will give more family members the opportunity to participate in person. We can still stream these services for family members who are at risk or are not able to attend in person.
Baptisms are now authorized by the Diocese as well, so we can have Baptisms in the church for families. The same capacity and social distancing guidelines will be in effect.
I have missed my church friends and family. Can we catch up before or after Mass?
Unfortunately, in order to assure the safety and health of all of our Parish Family and Friends, we ask that you do not congregate or meet up before or after Mass on our campus. When you arrive, please find your seat as you will be guided by our Ushers. Use the time before Mass for quiet prayer and reflection. Once Mass is concluded, please exit via the Front or Back Doors of the church and move immediately to your vehicle. We want to ensure we are cleaning and preparing between Masses, and any gathering could unintentionally cause infection to each other and/or to others around you.
What about everything else going on at Saint John?
Currently, all other events, activities, and programs are suspended until further notice. Our Life Center is open to members only, Monday – Friday from 7 AM to 4 PM and Saturdays from 8 AM to 2 PM. There are additional restrictions and a waiver that must be signed prior to using the facility.
All Ministry activity is being evaluated on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with our social distancing, sanitization, and operational requirements. Most Ministries (other than Liturgical Ministries) have selected to remain virtual or suspended until 2021.
Can I use the Adoration Chapel? UPDATE 11/1
Unfortunately, due to its size and inability to maintain appropriate social distancing, the Adoration Chapel will remain closed until further notice.
UPDATE: Adoration is now available in our Ballroom Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM. Access is available via your SJE key fob. If you do not yet have one, please come to the Front Office to request it.
What can I do to help?
First and foremost, if you are at-risk or unhealthy, please continue to attend Mass virtually via our streaming Mass. We respect your life and your health above all else, and want you to be happy and safe. If you do decide to come to church, we will not turn you away unless you do not have a mask, but we hope you will make the right choice for your own livelihood.
Our Liturgical Ministries will need able-bodied and capable volunteers to assist with the Mass. If you are interested in participating as a Lector, or Eucharistic Minister or Usher, please reach out to those Ministry leads via email. There are clear requirements for each Ministry, especially in this current crisis, that must be met in order to ensure your safety and the safety of our Parish Family.
Prayer is also critically needed. You may pray for our Parish Family and the world from home or during our Visitation hours during the week.
How will you ensure my (and my family’s) safety?
We have been planning and working diligently to ensure our church is as safe as a public facility can be. However, it is still a risk to come to church during this recovery phase, and we recommend highly that you consider what is in the best interest of your personal health and stay home and watch our Mass online if you so decide.
- We disinfect and wipe down all common surfaces after every Mass.
- All Bathrooms are cleaned after every Mass
- We use a microbial and anti-viral airborne-based disinfectant in the entire church building every evening to ensure all surfaces are clean and purified.
- We provide hand sanitizer for all who enter.
- We require masks for all who come to Mass or for Visitation.
- Ushers will be ensuring all seating and social distancing guidelines are followed before, during and after Mass.
- All Liturgical Items will be cleaned and disinfected after every Mass.