Priests, Deacons, and Knights Serve At Risk Parish Family Members with Communion and Ashes
One of the greatest health risks at this moment is to be in a confined, indoor location for a long period of time with strangers. While we at Saint John are doing everything possible to keep our Parish Family and our environment safe and healthy, it is still too great a risk for many of our loved ones to come to church for Mass. Our Streaming Mass capability may be one of the best in the area (and in the nation, we have been told), but it will never replace the joy and togetherness of celebrating Mass as a community. Most importantly, the ability to receive the Eucharist at Mass has been missing for so many. We wanted to find a way to serve our Parish Family in a unique way.
This afternoon, with the assistance of the Knights of Columbus Council 11281 as our traffic management, our clergy, including Deacon Sebastian, braved the heat and sun (unlike most of the rest of the country…) and administered Communion and Ashes to over 320 vehicles, some with entire families in them! That is tremendous! The traffic was backed up onto 111th Avenue, and we learned some great lessons that might help us in the future (hint, hint, stay tuned!). Everyone was patient and thankful for this opportunity they have not had in over a year. We owe our clergy a tremendous debt of gratitude for their service and dedication.
Here are just a few images of our Knights and Clergy in action!