February 23, 2014

By clicking on the link at the bottom of this Corner you will find a consolidated financial statement for the period July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 with a comparison to the same period one year ago.  I will spend the remainder of my column discussing the revenue and expenses…

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February 16, 2014

Are you finding this season more congested than any in recent memory?  As a meteorologist, I will once again blame the weather for our massive influx of seasonal visitors this year. Did you know that Chicago has had 22 days of below zero temperatures this winter?  The record, dating all…

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February 9, 2014

The choir from Jamaica really had the church rocking this past weekend. As a result, our parishioners stepped up to the plate and gave very generously to the second collection for our sister parish in Kingston. The total received for JOP via the collection was in excess of $33,000.00, which…

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Catholic Faith Appeal 2014

Introducing the 2014 Catholic Faith Appeal The Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA) is a Diocesan-wide fundraising effort to support programs such as: Pastoral Outreach & Ministries; missions, poor parishes and convents; Catholic Charities; Evangelization; Worship; Respect Life; Peace & Social Justice; Vocations & Seminarians; Catholic Education; Diocesan administrative support services; etc.…

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February 2, 2014

I would like to make a very exciting announcement about an upcoming addition to our campus and more importantly, to our Veterans’ Memorial. In the grassy area (picture) immediately adjacent (east) to the existing Veterans’ Memorial, we will be creating a rose garden. The centerpiece of the rose garden will…

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