November 13, 2011

An anonymous parishioner has generously purchased numerous copies of a riveting documentary regarding the Eucharist.  The DVD is entitled SCIENCE TESTS FAITH and will be available for purchase in the gift shop this week and also available in the library for check out.  This documentary looks at the Eucharist in…

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November 6, 2011

Many of our year round residents have been privy to all of the improvements that have occurred around campus over the summer.  Our seasonal residents and visitors (unless they have been reading the bulletin online) have been pleasantly surprised upon their return.  This past week I received a very nice…

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October 31, 2011

It looks as though my comments from last week regarding the end of the rainy season may have been a bit premature.  Although the computer models do not agree, there is an outside chance that while you are reading my column, we could be experiencing tropical conditions due to Hurricane/Tropical…

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October 23, 2011

The rainy season sure went out with a bang.  As of this past Tuesday morning, we had received over three inches of rainfall and totals were expected to be in the five to six inch range before all is said and done.  This moisture was associated with a broad area…

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October 16, 2011

At Mass this past week, there was a second collection for St. Vincent De Paul.  This second collection was actually supposed to have been a “special collection” and not a “second collection.”  There are generally only six second collections taken annually.  These second collections consist of “four” for the Jamaica…

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