Category: Parish News
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2014 Family Fun Picnic and Ministry Fair

Saint John the Evangelist Annual Picnic and Ministry Fair Day of Fantastic Fun, Food, Games & More! Sunday, March 9 from Noon to 3:00 p.m. A true carnival atmosphere with live entertainment, a rock climbing wall, a dunk tank, bounce houses, obstacle courses, crafts, cotton candy, snow cones, pulled pork sandwiches,…
Faith & Ale and Faith & Wine Combined Event: A Skeptics Guide to Pope Paul VI’s Humane Vitae
2014 Knights of Columbus Feast of Saint Joseph Dinner/Dance
Catholic Faith Appeal 2014

Introducing the 2014 Catholic Faith Appeal The Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA) is a Diocesan-wide fundraising effort to support programs such as: Pastoral Outreach & Ministries; missions, poor parishes and convents; Catholic Charities; Evangelization; Worship; Respect Life; Peace & Social Justice; Vocations & Seminarians; Catholic Education; Diocesan administrative support services; etc.…