Category: Ministries
USCCB Leadership at 100: Passion of Our Faith for the Future

November 13 & 14 marked the 100th Anniversary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the leadership of the Church in our country. All the bishops, archbishops and cardinals attended, and they discussed the serious issues of our national culture, our faith, and the intersection of the two. One…
First World Day of the Poor: Love, Not Just with Words but with Deeds
Thanksgiving in the Park: A Week of Service to the Immokalee Community

Last year, St. John became the primary faith-based organization for Thanksgiving in the Park. Now in its 36th year, Thanksgiving in the Park is an incredible opportunity to serve and share food, culture, and love by providing thousands of people in Immokalee with a hot Thanksgiving meal. Last year, we…