Category: Events
Over 60 Children Set to Receive First Communion This Year

Saint John parishioners welcomed one of our largest groups of Sacramental students this Sunday morning at the 11:15 AM Mass. Father John and Deacon Wallace blessed special medallions that these sacramental students will wear each time they attend Mass up until their First Communion in May, 2015. With over 300…
Saint John Parish Family at the Diocese Youth Rally
We Are Saint John Town Hall Meetings Week of November 16th
First Annual Trunk-or-Treat Treats over 150 Children of Saint John

With over 50 cars and 150 children, the First Annual Trunk-or-Treat was a huge success! Families and youth alike were treated to wonderfully decorated cars, trucks and vans, great costumes, delicious candy and food. A special thanks to the Men’s Club for serving hot dogs, drinks and snacks. Prizes were…