May is the Month of Mary and Happy Mothers Day!

20140504_110206_110May is the month where we celebrate and honor the Mother of Jesus with special services and appreciation for her counsel and unwavering love. If you have not visited our website to see the pictures of the May Crowning, which took place on May 4th, I highly recommend it ( This wonderful Mass and event would not have been possible without the support of amazing volunteers: Donna Boucher, leader of the May Crowning Committee, Kay and Andy Sanfelippo, Arts and Liturgical, Margie Lynch, Director of Religious Education, Silvia DeFeo and Jennifer Edwards, catechists.

The Holy Father gave a wonderful example of how the Virgin Mary works through Mothers (which is apropos on this Mothers Day Weekend):

I remember once, I was in the confessional, and there was a long queue in front of the Shrine of Lujan, the diocese of that bishop there, and there was a young man in the queue, all modern with tattoos And … he came to tell me what was happening in his life. He had a big, difficult problem. ‘ And [he asked me] what would you do? So I told my mother about this and my mother said to me: ‘Go to the Virgin Mary and she will tell you what you must do.’ Here was a woman who had the gift of counsel. She did not know how to solve her son’s problems but she indicated the right way: ‘Go to Our Lady and she’ll tell you.’ This is the gift of counsel. Do not say, ‘Do this …’. Let the Spirit speak . And that woman, humble, simple, gave her son the truest, most beautiful advice, because this young man said to me: ‘I looked upon Our Lady and I heard that I need to do this, this, this.’ I did not have to say a word. It all came from my mother, the Virgin Mary and the young man. This is the gift of counsel. You mothers who have this gift, ask for this gift for your children: the gift of being able to counsel your children . It is a gift from God. – Pope Francis 2014-05-07 (

Happy Mother’s Day!

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