Scott’s Corner

Although it does not feel like autumn in Naples with temperatures and humidity levels in the mid 90s, fall will arrive this Sunday afternoon at 2:44 p.m. in conjunction with the autumnal equinox.  So as the sun begins to head south of the celestial equator and the days become shorter and shorter, we can take solace in the fact that there will be less searing heat, if only for the fact that there will be progressively fewer minutes of daylight each day.  Ironically enough, as we complain about the oppressive heat, our friends to the north have just experienced their first cold front of the year.  If you have always wondered how our seasonal parishioners choose the date of departure from their northern residences, one parishioner appropriately stated that the thermometer rather than the calendar dictates when they head south.

My opening paragraph now leads me to what is becoming a very familiar site on our roadways.  And I am not talking about increased traffic, although increased traffic is certainly a derivative of what we are seeing.  Car carriers from the Northeast and Midwest can be spotted anywhere and everywhere for the next month or so dropping off the vehicles that will ultimately congest our roadways.  For those who are returning from their summer residences, we welcome you back to paradise and hope that you had a fantastic break.  We are gearing up for what is going to be another great winter season at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.

You may have noticed the very large roll of orange conduit sitting in the parking lot last week.  This conduit now houses our fiber optic cable which runs from 111th Avenue North to the Parish Life Center.  As you can imagine, this was not the easiest cable “pull” but they were able to get it done after exhausting a few other options.  Crews were also in the church last week pulling “Cat5” cable for the new surveillance system.  Optimistically, the surveillance system should be completely operational by the mbookiddle of next week.

Did you know that we have another author at St. John the Evangelist?  Well, kind of….  She actually just moved to Texas due to her husband’s job.  Jennifer Grenardo (former coordinator of Bible Story Time) has published a book.  “Danny Celebrates Advent” tells the story of Advent through the eyes of Danny the Donkey and his family, in this fun and animated book for early learners.

This age appropriate story introduces Catholic traditions celebrated throughout the season of Advent to our little ones. It also includes entertaining and simple crafts all made out of paper plates with instructions for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary school children to make with their parents, grandparents, teachers or loved ones. Join Danny and his family, and celebrate Advent with your family and loved ones, too!

We plan to have the book in our gift boutique by December, but for those who would like a copy now, you may follow the link below to purchase yours.  Congratulations to Jennifer on her accomplishment. 2

Speaking of the Divine Gift Boutique, Jackie Gibson (Boutique Manager) said that she would like to re-open for this weekend.  My staff has been working diligently to ensure that Jackie’s wishes are met.  If you are able, please stop by before or after Mass to check out the enlarged shopping experience.

I will be attending the International Stewardship Conference in Dallas September 22-25. I hope to gain a better understanding of stewardship as a way of life with Christ in the Church! The ICSC Stewardship Conference is an exciting gathering of bishops, pastors, parish leaders, diocesan stewardship and development directors and religious congregation leaders from all over the world. Conference registrants will learn both the spiritual foundation and the hands-on details for bringing stewardship as a way of life into their parishes, dioceses, congregations and organizations.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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