Members of the Men’s Club along with many of their spouses were extremely busy during this past season. Many of their activities are service-related with other ministries such as the Sunday Families in Christ, Jamaica Outreach Program, St. Patrick’s Day party, as well as hosting the annual appreciation day picnic, the Easter Egg Hunt and the reception for the First Communicants. Additionally, they send volunteers to Imperial Health Center once a month so some of the residents there can attend a Catholic Mass presided by one of our parish priests.
The only income the Men’s Club has is generated from the five Big Band Dances and a Sock Hop they sponsor during the course of the season. With the income derived from these events the Men’s Club was able to donate a little over $11,000.00 to St. John the Evangelist in the way of the following items:
The Men’s Club purchased two additional candlestick holders for the sanctuary, which will be placed on the sanctuary during Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost and all holy days of obligation.
The Men’s Club also donated $3,000.00 towards the new Catholic Education Fund. More information about this project will be forthcoming in upcoming bulletins.
And, finally, the Men’s Club has donated funds this year and has committed funds for the next two years for the new Hearing Loop System and the portable hearing devices that can be checked out prior to Mass.
The Men’s Club is always in need of new members. “It’s very rewarding to give a little back and have a lot of fun doing it,” said Andy Sanfelippo, Men’s Club president. Anyone interested in joining the Men’s Club should contact either Andy at 239.949.7122 or the new 2013-2014 incoming president Joe Lichwalla at 239.348.1828.