Just as advertised, we set three record high temperatures over the past week in Naples. Currently, as I write my column, it is snowing from Minneapolis to Chicago to Detroit to Pittsburgh with ice pellets in Boston. All of this while we are basking under sunny skies and a temperature of 81 degrees. Believe it or not, the area of high pressure that has dominated our weather since the New Year will finally whittle away and we will have seasonal temperatures by this weekend. If you are confused about the abnormally warm weather, don’t feel alone. Take a look at many of the flora and fauna and you will see that they are confused also. Orange blossoms are already present on many trees and you may have noticed the presence of yellow pollen on your vehicle. This could pose a problem if we happen to encounter a frost or freeze later this winter. Until then, enjoy the more seasonable weather. There is certainly a reason that they call Southwest Florida “paradise.”
The annual ministry parade will take place next weekend at the beginning of every Mass. This is a great opportunity for our parishioners to see firsthand the numerous ministries that we have within the friendly confines of St. John the Evangelist. If you have not done so, please mark your calendars for the Parish Picnic and Ministry Fair to be held on March 10. This is a free event and will feature numerous activities for the entire family. It will also be an opportunity for you to visit with representatives from our ministries with the hope that you find one to join.
We have worked very hard to transform the Memorial Garden into a beautiful and spiritual space. After three rounds of landscape renovations, the garden is now looking better than ever. Over the holiday season, many families came to visit loved ones in the memorial garden. Along with these visits came large bouquets of flowers and other items placed on the graves to honor or memorialize loved ones. When re-landscaping the Memorial Garden, we installed countless flowering bushes and annuals. The idea is that rather than placing an obtrusive bouquet of flowers on the grave, visitors would instead pick one of these flowers and place it on the grave. By doing so, we keep the garden looking nice and don’t have to deal with cleaning up dead arrangements or bouquets on a weekly basis. On your next trip to the memorial garden, please consider picking a Hibiscus or a Rose and placing it on the grave of your loved one. Let’s keep our Memorial Garden looking nice for everyone. Thank you for your consideration.
Although the price of space in our memorial garden increased on January 1, at $1,500.00 this price is still a fraction of what you would pay at a cemetery. If you are interested in purchasing a plot, please contact me at 566.1678.
Thanks to a little extra advertising, we had a fantastic collection for the Seminarians last weekend. The collection totaled $17,038.00, which is an increase of 47.35% over last year. As you know, it is very expensive to prepare these young men for the priesthood. Due to your generosity, we will be able to continue to turn out amazing priests in the Diocese of Venice.
Catholic Charities of Collier County will celebrate 45 years of service to the community on Wednesday, January 30 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Life Center Ballroom. This special event will recognize the significant and lasting effect Catholic Charities has on the lives of thousands of children, individuals and families in Collier County. The goal of the agency is to fight poverty, strengthen families, and build communities through a myriad of programs and services that ensure human dignity and enhance the quality of life for all persons. Anyone interested in attending the 45th Anniversary Celebration may call Catholic Charities of Collier County at 239.455.2655. There is no cost to attend.
As of this past Wednesday there were already 150 tickets sold for the 15th Annual Super Bowl party to be held on Sunday, February 3. Considering we do not yet know who will be playing in the big game (sadly it will not be my Redskins), this is a great turnout. Although the Packers squandered any opportunity of a team from the Midwest playing in the Super Bowl, there is a good chance that we will have a Northeast team which would be a bonus considering we have a large contingent of seasonal parishioners who spend their summer in this region. We do have a limit of 300 attendees for the party so if you are planning on attending, I suggest that you pick up your ticket very soon.
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager