Dear FellowParishioners,
In the December 9 bulletin, we, the Saint John the Evangelist Finance Council members told you that we strongly support the Annual Catholic Faith Appeal, as these funds are used to provide services to the less fortunate in our diocese, some of our own parishioners. To reiterate again, St John’s 2012 assessment/goal is $443,000.00. Right now, we are still short of our goal. We need
$16,847.00 by December 31, 2012.
Scott Schlossberg, our General Manager, in Scott’s Corner has repeatedly explained how the CFA program works and if we fall short of our goal, we will have to use our general operating funds to pay the shortfall. Conversely, if we exceed our $443,000.00 goal by the end of 2012, any excess will be returned to the parish free of diocese assessment. We hope this year that will happen; we could use these funds to support our many ministries that are available to us.
We are confident that with your help, we CAN achieve our goal and more. Please consider making a pledge or an additional contribution to the 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal before December 31, 2012. Remember to make your check payable to the CFA with St John the Evangelist in the memo line.
God Bless You and Your Loved Ones!
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy, Holy New Year!
Saint John the Evangelist Finance Council