December 2, 2012

As of this past Wednesday, we were experiencing numerous issues in getting the new lighting system installed.  After closing the church for an entire week, we were optimistic that we could get the job done in five business days.  The lift we requested to access the ceiling was not delivered and instead a smaller version arrived which left us unable to install any ceiling mounted fixtures as of Wednesday morning.  Also, the wall sconces and chandeliers had not arrived as of Wednesday morning.  So basically, I am not sure what you will see when arriving for Mass this weekend.  As the eternal optimist, I hope that everything falls into place and that we will have a fully installed and operational system.  As a realist, I understand that we are at the mercy of others and may have only a partial system installed.  Whatever happens, I can promise you that once everything is completed, we will have an amazing lighting system.

Regardless of whether or not the lighting system is complete by this weekend, you will notice that the church carpet has been steam cleaned completely.  In addition, every pew has also been cleaned.  While the church was closed, we decided to take this opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone.”  Depending on the lighting, we may have only killed one bird.

You will also notice a fresh coat of paint in the narthex and adjacent hallway which connect to the east rear wing of the church.  We changed the color slightly and it really looks great and livens up the narthex.

The new 2013 parish calendar has gone to print and I must say that it is the best yet.  Each month features a prominent parish ministry and is tied to a saint.  Calendars will be available for pickup beginning the last week of December.  A special thank you is in order for Bill & Liz Shikany with Shikany’s Bonita Funeral Home for absorbing the substantial cost of printing the calendars.

The collection for Hurricane Sandy on November 17 and 18 totaled $21,400.00.  Thank you for your generosity in giving to those who were negatively affected by this natural disaster.  The funds from our collection were sent to Resurrection Roman Catholic Church in Gerrittsen Beach, NY.  Gerrittsen Beach is a seaside community in Brooklyn which was decimated by Sandy.  We are confident that your donations will help many in this area.

Our parishioners are making a real difference in the lives of the less fortunate at our sister-parish, St. Pius X in Kingston, Jamaica.  The second collection held on November 10 & 11 totaled $20,974.00.  This was an increase of 8.7% over the same period ($19,295.00) last year.  The pocket change collection will take place this weekend.  It is amazing what a little pocket change can do when combined with the change of hundreds of others.  On behalf of those in Jamaica, thank you to our amazing parishioners for your extreme generosity.

In addition to making a difference in the lives of those in New York and Jamaica, you are also making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate locally.  The collection for St. Vincent De Paul on Thanksgiving Day totaled $10,764.00.  As there are no administrative costs associated with St. Vincent De Paul, every penny of your contributions will be used to assist families in our local area who are struggling to get by.

The Ladies of Charity Bicycle Drive is moving along very nicely.  We have over 20 bikes donated thus far and monetary contributions of over $2,500.00.  There are still two weeks from this weekend to purchase your bicycle.  Don’t forget to pick up an ornament on the Christmas trees in the narthex which will indicate what age range to buy for.  There are still many ornaments remaining.  As a reminder, we will have a truck in front of church on December 15 and 16 so that you may drop off your bike.  Thank you for your consideration.

For those who may have missed my comments several weeks ago, the price for space in the Memorial Garden will increase on January 1.  The current price of $1,200.00 will increase to $1,500.00.  If you would like to secure pricing before the increase, please contact me at 566.1678 before the end of the year.

I am getting excited as we approach the homestretch with regards to the 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal.  I hope my excitement and optimism are not unfounded.  We currently are just shy of 88% of goal with less than two months remaining.  We have less than $56,000.00 ($55,927.16 to be exact) to satisfy our goal for 2012.  Remember that the CFA is the single most important component of our annual operating budget.  As a reminder to our seasonal residents and visitors, please make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line.  You may also make electronic contributions by visiting the Diocese of Venice website at  In addition, you may also make contributions of stock by contacting Deborah Shafer in the Diocese of Venice development office at 941.484.9543.  Thank you for your continued support of the Catholic Faith Appeal.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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