Although Tropical Storm Isaac did finally reach Hurricane status, we were spared any damage whatsoever. I think we have all seen thunderstorms with stronger winds than we experienced this past weekend. We did receive several inches of much needed rainfall which has further hydrated the lake in front of our campus. As a non-practicing meteorologist, I feel somewhat embarrassed by the poor forecasting that transpired during Isaac’s march through the Caribbean and Florida Straits. With that said, I will take a “glancing blow” any day of the week. Let us keep those in Louisiana and beyond in our thoughts and prayers.
By taking a quick glance at the collection summary, it is evident that many chose to forego Mass this past weekend due to Tropical Storm Isaac. The very large variance between this year and last is due to fewer parishioners in the pews.
This past Wednesday, my wife and I were driving down Livingston Road in front of Mediterra and saw what looked to be a car carrier unloading vehicles. We were both amazed at the site as it is only late August. Could it be that some of our seasonal residents could not stay away from paradise any longer? My assumption may be premature as this sight does not generally take place until late September. If our seasonal parishioners are indeed returning to Naples for an early “season”, welcome back
The Republican National Convention this past week began with the colors being posted by a color guard (Assembly 1850 out of New Haven, CT.) Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York and President of the U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops closed the convention with a benediction on Thursday. It was very nice to see our Catholic faith represented front and center on stage.
Who knew picking light fixtures would be so complicated! We are already on our fourth iteration with regards to the lighting fixtures (chandeliers) in the narthex and back wings of the church. Considering that it has taken this long to address the lighting in the church, we want to make certain that the fixtures chosen are aesthetically pleasing while giving off appropriate light. We will do our very best to expedite the process and begin work as soon as possible.
We have comfortably broken the $300,000.00 threshold with respect to the 2012 Catholic Faith Appeal. We have received pledges totaling over $306,000.00 (69% of goal) leaving us with a balance of $136,759.00. We must raise these funds by the end of the calendar year. If you are able, please consider making a pledge to the CFA so that we may exceed our goal.
I feel it safe to assume that more than a few of you are reading my column on a weekly basis. Just this past week after recommending that parishioners consider purchasing space in our Memorial Garden, I sold 12 plots. There is still prime space available for purchase. Please contact me at 566.1678 to schedule an appointment.
Due to the loss of a day in the office this past week, you are treated to a very abbreviated “Scott’s Corner.” I am sure that next week I will have a plethora of new information.
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager